How much does ethics play a role in your investing?

Do you invest in companies that are considered unethical? Like big tobacco, oil, mining, etc.

And where do the boundaries lie for you? Because even Apple has sweatshops...

I don't invest in any unethical company. And I would probably be a bit bothered by it, for example, with Meta.

I'm not investing in any unethical companies at the moment, but if I really saw an opportunity, it probably wouldn't be a barrier for me.

I'm trying to watch it. For example, I wouldn't buy a pure tobacco company, nor would I buy alcohol, anything around real diamonds (I don't understand the logic of why mine it when we can make them), cosmetics tested on animals, etc. But the hypocrisy makes me think of buying $COST+2.7% and they sell most of the above mentioned. Same with pharmaceutical companies and they are not ethical in some things (animal testing)... no go for me is guns and overall anything military. I try to "redeem my soul" every year by throwing a percentage at a good cause afterwards. For example, for a couple of years now, I have been doing this regularly for Motol Hospital children's ward - currently the children's cardiology ward has a collection for a machine for children with heart disease :)

It's hard to say, I don't think I have anything concrete. However, I do have a problem with companies that are known, or at least suspected, to be extremely non-environmental, that trade in the black, or that have terrible conditions for workers and employees.

So I take ecology into account, although not fanatically. For everyone then a good guide is ESG what companies are leading the way is interesting.

And if you're wondering how your investments are doing in this, I use

I'm investing in snuff, even though I'm a non-smoker. However, I want nothing to do with gambling companies, for example.

Currently, ethical reasons prevent me from buying arms companies, tobacco and alcohol producers, casinos. Nor would I buy companies like META or other social networks.

Nice question and how many times does it annoy me too with myself because I am a nature lover and yes I have mining companies. Of course as you say, nothing is eco, not even the apple. Rather my dream is one that probably won't come true but personally if I were ever a billionaire my goal is not to have dozens of cars, a few mansions etc. I would sponsor a zoo, I would give to support a reserve in Africa. Just giving back to the planet somehow. Because none of us live eco, we all consume something. So I guess, well, it's stupid, but honestly, I'd rather give to an animal than a person, because we see a lot of times that people are terrible animals. 😩

The only thing that bothers me is guns, that's my limit.

Yes, I don't mind investing three times in tobacco companies or heavy industry. As bad as it is, business is business...

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