I think it's kind of Google vs Microsoft here... :) both companies are "similar", both are huge, and I guess you can't say one is globally better than the other... maybe if it was chopped up into pieces...

Like, that Visa sounds like a great company to me, but it would have to be at a lower price. And even then, I'd probably think twice about investing in it. I simply don't enjoy it, so I'll avoid it.

I don't have them either and in my portfolio $PYPL-0.7% 🙈😂 ... but they are both good quality, Personally with the two banks I use, Fio and (Revolut), I have visa. But my girlfriend has a Mastercard with Airbank. I don't know what the ratios are between them in percentage of usage, but both are quality and to look for differences one would probably have to go more in depth. The $MA-0.7% has a slightly better dividend, I think.

Visa is bigger. It has a big advantage in the US and it's doing pretty well in Europe too. $MA-0.7% is mainly in the rest of the world.

I don't have a detailed analysis, but based on the indicators, Visa seems better at first glance, but that may be a rather superficial opinion, I haven't studied them.

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