I'm keeping an eye on the action. Thanks for the reminder, though. I'll look into it further.

It's getting more tempting by the day, I'll take a good look tomorrow and possibly jump in too.

And I wonder how Bob Iger can kick it...

I trust their parks and the part of the film industry they have under them (Marvel, Lucasfilm, Pixar, etc.) I definitely bought... or I'm going to buy more if it goes down again.

Yes, I am. I have it in my portfolio and I trust it. First of all, as was said here. Covid was not good for them. Plus, now they have back the ceo which Disney previously raised a lot so their time I believe will come and then this buy will be great.

I would definitely like to create a smaller position.

Yeah, $DIS-0.1% had a problem with management and money that didn't produce theme parks in covid. That's gone now and the stock hasn't recovered properly. At the current price, it strikes me as a good buy with the position I have myself.

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