There's a lot of talk about $NIO-5.2% right now. I like the company, and the way it's pushing electric vehicle charging seems cool to me. Honestly though, I still struggle with avoiding the Chinese market. I still feel like if the government makes a negative decision there, it could have a huge impact on $NIO-5.2% stock. Do you feel the same way or is it a needless worry?



$4.16 -$0.23 -5.24%
Capital Structure
Market Cap
Enterpr. Val.

Seeing what's happening in the US market, the Chinese one doesn't seem so wild to me anymore... there are risks everywhere :)

Nio is about the only company I will enter the Chinese market for. The potential is great

I feel the same way. Too bad this company is Chinese. I'm definitely afraid of it and that's why I don't want to buy shares of this company. I might just buy a few for the heck of it.

The risk of Chyna is a no-go for me, too.

If I were to invest in $NIO-5.2%, it would only be a speculative position. That is, it wouldn't take up more than 1% of my portfolio. The potential is huge, the risk is huge.

I feel the same way and I struggle with the same idea just with $NIO stocksI think-5.2%it's definitely not a wasted worry, it's a risk, despite that I'll probably buy a few pieces given the potential.

I don't really like the charging (swapping stations). On the face of it, a good idea, but. The electric car will be around for a few more years for the environmentally responsible middle class, and they almost all charge at home, preferably from solar. Further, setting up a charging (or swapping) station is not exactly easy. It's all about where drivers are willing to go. So far, they're very willing, but, who would be willing to drive off the highway or buy a car with a battery they'll have to drive off the highway to replace? The motorway sites are taken by Shell, Orlen and others. When electro-mobility starts to make economic sense to those, the chargers will literally spring up overnight, the places in the parking lots have plenty of electricity supply too, and it's just a matter of contracting the quantity. Typically there will then be around 15 minutes of charging. Well then who wants a car with which to save 10 minutes at the cost of going God knows where?

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