What do you think about the speculation about AMD $AMD-0.2% and Amazon $AMZN-1.2%? AMD has unveiled high-performance AI chips called MI300 and there is speculation that one of the biggest customers may be Amazon.



$163.90 -$0.41 -0.25%
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The MI300 can provide up to 192GB of memory. The significant memory capabilities mean AMD's new chip could be used in artificial neural networks with large language models, commonly referred to as "LLMs".

Getting business from Amazon Web Services would be a huge step for the company and a deposit of huge confidence in AMD, which would greatly threaten Nvidia's market share. Buy? 🤔

Wow, interesting news and I've been reading all about Amazon lately with interesting mergers or acquisitions, I read about another one today with iRobot, I'll add an article on that. So definitely great for both companies both $AMZN-1.2% and $AMD-0.2%

Super connection. Keep it up. I hope that we, as customers and shareholders, will also benefit from it.

That would be quite a coup for AMD but I wonder if Intel will let that happen :)

I think it's an absolutely brilliant joint and collaboration. Keep it up. It's a good fit for both companies and they will benefit from it in the future.

Well, I have to admit that I'm pretty skeptical that working with Amazon means god knows what and will help AMD increase market share. Even though it's one of the biggest players in cloud and AI, there's still Nvidia's dominant position that's not easily disproven.

Sure, that's great news and it may buy them out, in the premarket I think AMD is growing. But it's definitely going to take more of those customers and demonstrate some advantages over Nvidia chips.

That would be great! AMD has improved a lot lately and chips like the MI300 show that they are moving in the right direction. And working with Amazon could really help them carve out a bigger market share.

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