Have a nice evening Buliosians, I would be interested in your opinions, how do you see the future of these two - technological giants? Which of $MSFT+1.5% vs $GOOG+2.4% do you trust more in the future? For example, can Microsoft steal the #1 spot from Google in internet search with the help of their AI? Have your say in the comments!

I like Microsoft better, I like their diversification and incorporation of AI into Windows and MS Office. Personally I hope their acquisition of $ATVI+0.1% works out, that would give them a bigger share of the video game market.

I trust Google for one simple reason - their products work and are user friendly, Microsoft accounts etc. They are, on the other hand, hell.

Probably not outright steal, but if they continue to improve search and work with AI, they may take some market share. Even a few percent of users to take over will be a big achievement.

I think Google will maintain its position in search. Microsoft will probably cut something off (it already has), but it won't be that significant. I'm quite interested to see how Google does in the cloud segment, it has a lot of room for growth there. I'd say both companies can coexist.

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