I'm listening to an interview with Tomas Sedlacek now and this is what was said: "In the capital market, you don't follow a company that you like today, you follow a company that others will like tomorrow."

But that seems to me to go a bit against Buffett, who stands for the idea that if the company is good, the profits will come. What do you think? 🤔

I see it simply, I buy stocks that are undervalued or have a promising long-term vision, preferably a combination of both.

I like a company when its share price is undervalued. Then I just hope that tomorrow investors get what I got today.

Nicely said and I think I agree. But by logic, I must also like their focus, product or service. And even better if I have experience with it myself and know how useful it is.

I think that's more about trading, isn't it? If I'm buying on divi and long term, I'm interested in the company itself and not who will like it

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