Hi investors, how many trades do you make on average per year? And a question, has it historically paid off for you to be more active or more passive in finding new opportunities?

Or better said - Which method has been more effective for you?

Quite often I find that investors try too hard and look for a quantum of companies, yet only a handful of them would suffice if they were careful about the quality of their selection.

Exactly, just a few quality stocks. I don't do that many trades a year. I make the bare minimum of trades. I mostly just buy and buy because I'm investing for the long term.

Do you think of a trade as a sale, or just a purchase? :) And the most rewarding thing for me now, in retrospect, would be to buy only big titles and not always look for unicorns :-D

I do mostly shopping at the moment, and I do a couple of units a year max, I'm in it for the long haul.

0.89 trades per week. I'm pretty active. A lot of swing trades.

I don't have much, I mostly buy up and don't have a given number. If something from the watchlist reaches my desired price, then I'll add it to my portfolio. Unless of course, nothing has changed with the company.

I can't judge yet in stocks I've been in for a while. I'm currently buying into a fledgling portfolio that is about 4 months old so I'm just buying rather than trading. But of course I do have some growth stocks and I have some limit on those where I would sell, but personally I don't think I would get to more than unit trades either. I think of it as investing for the future not as trading per se where it's all about buying/selling. I would like to get some good dividend income which is just a long run. 😁

So I'm not a very good example I guess because I've only been investing for a year in stocks, but I'll comment too. 😊 I probably do both, I have stocks that I hold from the very beginning of buying and only maybe buying up when I can. But then I also have trades well, that maybe a stock I only have tvz cyclical for some period. So well, since the beginning of the year I've approx make like 10-15 trades.

For a long term portfolio, I like to find 2-3 quality stocks, more like 2 a year. If I just want a short term ride on something, it's like 7/8 a year.

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