The Fed meets tomorrow and may well raise interest rates. I think the market is already pricing in that the Fed will raise interest rates, so stocks and ETFs might not fall. Of course, it will also depend on what Jerome Powell says.

What's your take on this and how many bb do you think the Fed will raise interest rates?

I'm expecting 25bps so hopefully we won't be unhappily surprised if they announce the latest rate hike I wouldn't be angry at all.

I expect 25bps too, maybe he'll surprise us and not lift, after all the hawk look has been going on for quite a while.

I expect 25bps too, maybe he'll surprise us and not lift, after all the hawk look has been going on for quite a while.

25bps I expect but what I think will be the main thing, whether it's the last one or not, I think that will be the market mover today.

The last 25bps may be expected, so we'll see.

I'm expecting the 25 points. This week is really fun, I can't wait to see what we're told.

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