Cannabis, how do you view this sector? Do you own any stocks in this particular sector? I have a lot of faith in this market for the future and I am starting to look into adding something from this sector to my portfolio. Your tips and insights?

I haven't even thought about this sector and I have no idea what stocks or etfs I should invest in. But it is an interesting sector.

Honestly I haven't even thought about it yet and I probably wouldn't go for it, but I don't have much insight into the companies involved

I would stay away from it, these companies have no competitive advantage. This is a commodity where there are not big barriers to entry and there will be very small margins.

It has a future, but the question is when it will take off in a big way. There have been a few companies here, but they haven't caught on.

Personally, I'm fine with just the potential exposure through classic snuff. They could give the switch in a heartbeat and be the leading companies in this sector as well due to their strong position.

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