Investors, what do you think of $PEP's stock price?
Shares of $PEP are down more than 6% over the past year, and the current price isn't bad at all. The stock is currently at a nice price to buy, however I will be overbought until below the $165 price.
I see that $BABA stock is down over 20% in the last year and even though it is a Chinese company I am considering buying it. However, this stock is not that important to me and I would buy shares down to below $72.
Do you have $BABA stock in your portfolio and at what price are you overbought?
I already have a small purchase but I'm still waiting because it should go down a bit more no less $BABA in my portfolio I definitely want to have 👍 there is a possibility of great appreciation and even if there is more risk it's worth it.
Intel stock is down about 5% probably following the news from ASML. The drop is quite visible on the chart and it was not small, however I would buy $INTC stock down to below $35.
Shares of $U are up over 40% for 2023, however, they are down about 4% today. Long term, the stock is not growing and frankly I prefer to avoid this stock in an arch.
Does anyone have shares of this company in their portfolio and if so, why?
Investors, what do you think of $GM stock and at what price would you buy?
I find GM to be an interesting and quality company, however I see potential in other automakers. If I wanted to buy GM stock, I would buy all the way down to below $28.
Shares of $CAT are up over 20% this year, which is very respectable and I have to say I've grown quite fond of this stock. I have been buying shares of $CAT around $240 and I am currently up about 20%+ on this stock.
I've been looking at the $^DJI index and it's up about 12% for this year, which is a nice appreciation, but considering how other stocks and ETFs have risen, it's quite small. It's mostly due to the composition of that particular DJI ETF, as it doesn't contain many tech stocks so it's not attractive to me at all and I don't want to put money into it.
Shares of $FDX are up more than 50% this year. FedEx not for me a quality company and their business is great. I would happily include $FDX stock in my portfolio, however the stock is currently expensive for me and I would buy up to under $235.
What is your opinion of FedEx and would you buy their stock?
I already have a small purchase but I'm still waiting because it should go down a bit more no less $BABA in my portfolio I definitely want to have 👍 there is a possibility of great appreciation and even if there is more risk it's worth it.