On the involvement of companies in Russia. $PEP $BTI $PM

And from my favorite tobacco sites:
- PMI tops the list of revenues generated in Russia
- JTI to generate $7.4 billion in revenues in Russia in 2022, up $1.5 billion from 2021 (the largest increase of any company)
- BAT discussing sale of its Russian businesses to a local partner
I was wondering how to comment on your post and in general, how to take it, if the question is, is it ethical to have a business in Russia, to invest in it, etc.? ...for me, why not. 😊 Honestly, and now I might pull down a wave of resentment on myself here, but I have nothing against Russia. On the contrary, I would be more afraid of Ukraine. It is an unstable state and always has been. Neither a regime, nor a proper democracy, nor communism. So something in between, corruption big etc. Russia, there the political regime is still the same. Yes, you could have long debates about where is better. For us, probably nowhere, but like where I'm with the Russians, even though I'm pro-west, I'm a capitalist and not a communist, but that's how the US is expanding. I don't blame Russia, how many times has the US said clearly, don't put bases near our borders, but they don't and they don't, the US keeps "shitting" on the world and they have peace on their territory. They create conflicts but mainly far away from them. Russia, it kind of holds its own, it doesn't fart all over the world. It has its territory, its resources, and what they do on their turf is their business. I would like to see the US if Russia started building bases in Mexico or elsewhere near the US border, they wouldn't like that either. Plus, tvl Europe here its hatred of Russia, but we can be happy for it, Russia fought, liberated a good part of Europe. Russia has direct resources that Europe needs. This will bring me back, I don't want communists here, I'm happy for open borders, freedom of enterprise etc ... but like overall what bothers me is that it is condemned when there is a different opinion, a different regime. Why, if it "suits" them and it's on their territory and they don't force it elsewhere ...why can't they also just deal normally with other politics. Benefit from trade relations etc... Honestly what is this comedy, nothing but business. I say, I don't lump all Ukrainians or Russians in the same bag and that is just it. But when I look at how the ones coming here and here are behaving now, it's disgusting and I would drive them back. I have nothing against those who were born here for example, I myself have a great friend who has lived here since he was a kid, worked in a factory and worked his way up through hard work ...just saying that I'm really tired of the hate and pigeonholing, Hate Russia. Sanctions etc. Fucking excuse me, what the Germans for example, nobody sees it, they started the war twice, committed horrible things to people and now they still set the direction of Europe. That has been forgotten. The economy here is totally shit, Russia has inflation below 3%, so who's better off I guess.
Apologies for the style, I've probably long since passed the point of this post altogether, but I find it good to express myself here as I feel we are a bunch open minded and not just "blind" sheep shouting hate with the crowd.
Look, I get it, I get it, politics... But I don't know... I guess I don't necessarily blame them
That would make Russian smokers cry a lot. For me, all western companies should pull out of Russia and not support their regime.
I honestly don't like this at all with those companies... just the departure of such companies would hurt the Russians quite substantially, when all the smokers there would have to smoke their straw and have some local water from wells for lunch instead of lemonade... :-)