Berkshire Hathaway
BRK-B Fair Price

My Notes
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So far I only invest in the SP500, but I have been thinking about including BRK-B in my portfolio for a while, but I want to wait for a better price.
We have big news today and generally it's going to be pretty busy again. In the meantime, I'm wondering, what about you and the housing market?
About two months ago Paul posted info here regarding $BRK-B' s purchases and albeit smaller amounts, but the inclusion of $LEN and $DHI in their portfolio. These two companies are in the US building, building and selling new homes + $LEN...
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I only eat DCA, so to speak, as part of portfolio dilution/rebalancing. Alternatively, I also break up my purchases into multiple parts. But that I regularly put the same amount in the same title, no.
It's a great company and I'm thinking of buying BRK-B now instead of SP500 in the future.