Investors, what are your favorite books on investing and finance?

For me, Intelligent Investor or The Psychology of Money are great. I'm currently reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad and I'm about to start reading The Richest Man in Babylon.

The books you mention are awesome classic titles that every investor should know, they even had some great sales on books right now, so I bought 10 books under 100kc on finance there, so I'll be busy :D

I like How expensive is free :)

That Rich Dad, Poor Dad is a great book. It's written in a very simple way, so it's aimed at the general public and teaches us good financial habits. I'm currently reading The Intelligent Investor and have my eye on Fundamentals of Value Investing by Petr Cermak.

Since a similar theme is repeated here, I hope you won't mind if I repost the same list supplemented with a few pieces I bought recently.

my list of books is only indicative;)


How Markets Work
Economics in One Lesson
A Random Walk Down Wall Street
Market Tamers
Investing in Stocks - The Long Haul
How to Pick Undervalued Stocks and Profit from Their Growth
Investment Fever
Financial Markets - Oldrich Rejnus
Investing in Stocks - The Basics of Value Investing
Stock Investing
Learn to Invest
The Intelligent Investor
Money in the Hands of the State
Economics 1991, Paul Samuelson
Economics 1999, Robert Holman
Freedom of Choice 1992, Milton Friedman
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics
A Treatise on the Nature and Origin of the Wealth of Nations
The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Money and the Stock Exchange The Art of Coming to Wealth
What is Seen and What is Not Seen and Other Works
The Road to Slavery


Mastering Market Cycles
Debt. The First 5,000 Years
When Money Runs Out - The End of Western Welfare
The Rise of Money
This Time It's Different
The Big Short - Inside the Doom Machine
Animal Instincts
Shifts and Shocks: Lessons from the Financial Crisis
Economics in a Virus
Economic Bubbles


Corrupt Pharma
Energy Facts and Myths to Bring the Energy Debate Back to Earth
Oil: A Beginner's Guide
The Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Humanity's Destiny and Our Daily Lives by 2100
Life 3.

0 - Humans in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
AI Superpowers.


Unexpected Behavior
Liar's Poker
The Psychology of Money
How Expensive is Free?
Thinking: fast and slow

Bio and Companies:

Steve Jobs: the Birth of a Visionary 2015, Brent Schlender
Steve Jobs 2011, Walter Isaacson
Uber and Airbnb are changing the world
The Art of Winning
Snowball: Warren Buffett and the School of Life
The New Buffettology
How Google Thinks


China's Economic System: Market Economy or State Capitalism?
Bull in China
The Chinese Century
Made in China
China's Great Capitalist Revolution
The World According to China

Rich dad, poor dad is great. I'm reading The Intelligent Investor right now.

I think that if you are already on this site, you can skip Táty, because you already have the mindset and this book won't give you anything new...
I'm going to
Where there are supposed to be some investment stories... but I haven't read it yet.

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